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The massive research potential of the Cosman Shell Collection allows for studies across various biological and ecological realms.

Taxonomy & Evolution

Due to the robust taxonomic range represented in the collection, studies concerning the relationships between shelled mollusks can be conducted utilizing both morphological and molecular analysis. DNA can be extracted from many specimens, allowing for highly specific understanding of taxonomy and evolution.

Ocean Acidification

As shell-building organisms are the most affected by the increasing acidification of the ocean, the collection can be used in the study of ocean acidification and its potential impacts on mollusks. The historical timeframe of the collection can be used as a baseline for pre-acidic ocean conditions, and in situ effects of ocean acidification can be studied.

Environmental Change

The ocean is highly affected by human activity, and whether the result is ocean acidification, pollution, warming, or any other long-term environmental change, the collection can be used as a tool to track change through mollusk shells.

Geographic Profiling

Dieter Cosman collected specimens at certain locations expansively, allowing researchers to build ecological profiles of mollusk communities in these geographic regions.
